Thursday, April 15, 2010

I love it when a plan comes together

So I had the most awesome evening yesterday. Not-So-Ex picked me up from work, we got a quick bite to eat downtown, then headed to Taylor Books to meet my thesis advisor. He had nothing but good thoughts on my script and we're all excited to get to the next stage. It was actually the first time Not-So-Ex got to meet my advisor, whose first thoughts on seeing Not-So-Ex were "I'd like to get you in the ring." (My advisor also does wrestling... and I mean the masked kind.) While he may want to see Not-So-Ex in the ring, I would rather not since I would benefit from my thesis advisor being alive and well rather than flat as a pancake. LOL

After the meeting, we headed over to Ellen's, which has the best homemade ice cream in the entire universe. Hunt and I enjoyed some Pink Lemonade sorbet and it was just perfection. It made for a wonderful spring day in the city.

Of course the day didn't end there. We went home and caught up on U.S. of Tara on Showtime and then watched the first episode of Treme on HBO. If you haven't watched Treme, do. It has so much promise. I'm fascinated by New Orleans. It's a city with so much life and history whose story that can only be told with loud, raucous music and spots of incredible color. And Treme had every bit of that.

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