Thursday, December 31, 2009

So long 2009!!!

You know, it was the best of years... it was the worst of years...

I guess, in reality, 2009 was a year of transition. That made it a tough one, but one that paved the way for a 2010 with nothing but exciting possibilities.

I always make resolutions, some I keep and some I don't, but I'm going to do something different this time. Instead, I'm gonna make a list of things I'm looking forward to in the coming year. So here we go.

1. Being ready to buy our own home by next year.
2. Finishing my thesis film and getting my masters.
3. Working on a business plan to open my own bakery (after my thesis is done).
4. Continuing to take better care of myself, mentally and physically.
5. Loving my family and friends (and especially Not-So-Ex, who is both).
6. Taking one family vacation and one getaway for just Not-So-Ex and I!

Ok I guess that'll do it! See you all in 2010!!!!