And that meant that I could get up, take Hunt to school, and then do as little or as much as I like. And, so far, it's been very little. I heard Tiny Dancer in the car and I had to come home and get out Almost Famous immediately. I've been wanting to watch it again for ages but it always comes to mind at the wrong time. But today worked out perfectly.
I probably won't be this lazy all day though. I really need to get my seeds started for our little urban garden. My blueberry bushes should be in soon and I want to be able to get everything started around the same time.
The gardening should be made a little easier by the fact that Not-So-Ex is finally laid off for a bit. Today is his first day home so I'm gonna be nice and not start whining about things that need done. LOL
Tomorrow is the last of my daughter's birthday plans. We're having a Psych party for her filled with foods that feature pineapple! It should be a nice, calm, fun time. After we had such a good time with her new BFF, this will wrap up an excellent birthday. Or at least I thought it was pretty great.
Anyway, here's some Almost Famous...
And, since I can't mention music in movies without thinking of this, here's some 500 Days of Summer too...