I spent the morning in the bakery. Now, yes, it did suck to be up at the crack of dawn on my b-day, but I loved spending the early hours cupcaking. I overdid it just a bit though. Several hours and about 8 dozen cupcakes later, I left with aching feet, back and wrists.
Now at this point I think I should point out whose fault it is that I was in pain. Mine. Completely. My boss gives me a starting time and I leave when I'm done. But Sundays offer me a very special opportunity. I have the day and the kitchen to myself. No one messing with the ovens while I'm baking. No one needing the Kitchenaid. So I try to bake as much as I can and save them for later in the week when both time and space will be lacking. And I should also say that its mostly an enjoyable exhaustion.
So I came home from the bakery to find a husband that had been working like mad while I was gone. He fixed me a huge dinner (fixed my favorite even) and even made homemade Double Doozies for me. How could that be anything less than perfection? And did he top it? Yep. He gave me a gift of a cupcake apron, cupcakes oven mitts, and cupcake kitchen towels. It was wonderful.
Now I'm sitting here watching Boardwalk Empire (finally!) and trying to calm down from my amazing day. Here's hoping I'll be able to slow down (even if its due to benadryl) and get some sleep!
I'm watching that show too.
I'm not too sure I like it but it's interesting.
Sounds like a great day! I'm like Elvis - I drink to go to sleep and take a pill to wake up - (joking)...I wish I could drink ....and I don't have any pills ... but I thought it was funny.
Charlene... I've heard that the show only gets better from here so I figure it must be pretty good. At least it will be if I can figure out who is who.
Jen... I've tended to take pills to sleep and then take them to wake up too. LOL But these days I'm pretty much a benadryl or Tylenol PM chick.
I saw your comment on amy's facebook page and knew you looked familiar-I have your prom photo hanging in my hallway! LOL! I like your blog :)
Glad you like it! I don't even have my prom photo in my hallway! LOL
oh-I'm roberts step mom-not some creepy stranger with your prom photo haha
I thought so but wasn't sure! You all doing ok?
doing well-you can read all about it on my blog hahaha-everybody has a blog these days-the degrees of separation are amazingly small-I runinto everyone online it seems.
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