Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Oops... here's an update...

So I haven't written in several days cause it's just been sooooooooo busy!

I worked today (and Frutcake has Berry Lemonade, Fresh Apple and Peanut Butter, and Peanut Butter Boston Cream Pie Cupcakes to show for it) after I slept through most of my Monday off. That always makes for a busy day.

But, tomorrow, I have another day off. And Not-So-Ex has the rest of the week off. Cause he's having a certain surgical procedure. Which means I'll spend the rest of the week babying him. Or at least trying.

So wish us both luck! LOL


White Toast with Butter said...

Good luck! Men are not the best patients.

Charlene said...

I think men get sick just so women can wait on them hand and foot. OK, I'm probably wrong!

Evil Twin's Wife said...

When the Evil Twin had a vasectomy, I brought him fresh ice packs as requested and ignored him the rest of the time. LOL.

Paige said...

Well we're home from the surgery and we're doing good so far. I told him I'd buy him some bags of peas for tomorrow since I have to work. LOL