Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday's hazy thoughts...

So it's a Monday morning and I'm still a bit addled from a very busy weekend. So I'm just gonna throw some bullet points at ya and hope they make sense.

1. Welcome to Armageddon...
Ok, I have the strangest assortment of facebook friends on the planet. I grew up in private schools and in a very religious world, so I have a bunch of the rightest wing folks on the planet. I happen to be a big time liberal though so the other half of my friends are like minded. I always will uphold any person's right to believe what ever they choose and speak accordingly. What I will never understand is how the passage of healthcare reform is a sign of the end times. You don't like the bill? I get that and, to an extent, I agree. Personally, I don't think the bill that passed goes far enough, but I am glad to see the government making a start at least. But "the end of times"? Really? *sigh*

2. A more likely sign of Armageddon...
Today's finally my daughter's birthday. At 1:50 pm, she will be a teenager. If it wasn't for her uber geekiness, I would be more concerned.
Jakester showing off his collar...
3. Spring cleaning fail...
I was determined to start spring cleaning (plus packing) this weekend and I did. To help in this endeavor, my parents lent me their carpet shampooer and I was super psyched to get the Jake smell out of the house. I did the entire downstairs twice. The Jake smell is mostly gone. In its place is a bit of a perfumey smell, which may well kill Jake and I. My allergies are full fledged kicking this morning. Jakester hasn't quite been himself either. I think I'll have to go over the floors again with clean water tonight if there's time after all the partying.
Our beautiful new family member...
4. Our family is growing...
Over the weekend, a friend that volunteers extensively for the animal shelter mentioned a dog that needed a home. After finding out the dog was already spoken for, she mentioned that there was a similar breed at the pound and that we should check it out. So yesterday we went to look for a dog that is smaller than Jake but around his age so that he'll have a friend to play outside with once we move to the new house. We walked past cage after cage of beautiful dogs until we got to the last one. I looked at the little dog (supposedly a lab mix but that's gotta be a lot of mixing) who sat quietly and looked back at me. Then I looked up and saw a sign on the cage that said "Save Me" and it was a done deal. Once I saw that sign, that dog was ours. So I walked back out of the kennels while averting my eyes from all the other dogs and signed the papers. We'll pick her up from the vet today. So far, her name is Lucy (for Lucille Ball) but we're still negotiating that one. I'm anxious to get her home to meet Jake, but I'm even more anxious to get them both to the new house where they'll have more space.

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